
IES Awards

Johannes Lyklema Early Career Award in Electrokinetics for Ankur Gupta
Stanislav Dukhin Medal in Electrokinetics for Isaac Rubinstein

A highlight of the symposium was the presentation of the inaugural IES Awards by IES President Martin Z. Bazant. The Stanislav Dukhin Medal in Electrokinetics for lifetime achievement was awarded to Isaac Rubinstein, while the Johannes Lyklema Early Career Award in Electrokinetics was conferred upon Ankur Gupta, both of whom delivered engaging keynote lectures.




Awards of the International Electrokinetics Society

Stanislav Dukhin Medal in Electrokinetics

• The Dukhin Medal may be awarded biennially to an individual for lifetime achievement in the field of electrokinetics.

• The winner receives a medal and 1500 Euro cash prize and delivers the Stanislav Dukhin Lecture at the next IES Annual (ELKIN) with all fees waived.

• Nomination package consists of a summary of accomplishments (<2 pages) referencing key publications (10-20), proposed citation (<25 words), curriculum vitae, and confidential supporting letters (3-5).


Johannes Lyklema Early Career Award in Electrokinetics

• The Lyklema Award may be awarded biennially to an individual with at most 10 years of full-time activity after the PhD (at the nomination deadline) for outstanding research in the field of electrokinetics.

• The winner receives a certificate and 500 Euro cash prize and delivers the Johannes Lyklema Lecture at the next IES Meeting (ELKIN) with all fees waived.

• Nomination package consists of a summary of accomplishments (<1 page) referencing key publications (5-7), proposed citation (<15 words), curriculum vitae, and confidential supporting letters (2-3).


Rules and Eligibility

• Nomination deadline: May 31, 2024

• Awards are open to all scientists, except for members of the IES Executive Board and Awards Committee, and conferred at the biennial IES Meeting (ELKIN).

• Nominations must be made by IES members, who solicit confidential supporting letters and work with the candidate to prepare the summary, citation and curriculum vitae.

• Self-nominations are prohibited.

• Repeat nominations are allowed.

• Nominations packages must be sent to the IES secretary by email ( as a single PDF file before the deadline.

• The Awards Committee reviews nominations and recommends winners to the IES Chairman, who makes final decisions (including not to confer an award).

• The IES President appoints the Awards Committee, recognizes its members at the General Assembly, and announces winners but is not involved in the selections process. 

• Any conflicts of interest that arise for Awards Committee members, who may have personal or professional connections with award nominees, will be disclosed to the Chairman and managed according to the APS Honors Policies, H4.4.